

TRANSAR S.r.l. is registered in the WHITE LIST of Potenza and, for the correct management and execution of the activities; it complies with the following regulatory references:

It also has the waste transport authorization for the categories
  • 1 C;
  • 4 B;
  • 5 C;
  • brokerage and trade in waste without detention, 8C.

Campione della Crescita

Ed. 2022

Le Fonti Awards ®

XI° Edizione

L'undicesima edizione dei Le Fonti Awards®, che si é svolta giovedí 15 luglio 2021 in una delle location storiche di maggior fascino e prestigio a Milano, ha premiato quelle realtá che, con grande professionalitá e specializzazione, hanno messo in atto strategie all'avanguardia con le quali affrontare anni complessi come quello attuale, riuscendo a differenziarsi a livello internazionale.

Tra queste, Transar, che si é aggiudicata il premio come Eccellenza dell'Anno Innovazione & Leadership Trasporti Nazionali con la seguente motivazione: "Per rappresentare un'eccellenza e un punto di riferimento innovativo e dinamico nel settore del trasporto merci. Per assicurare sempre commesse puntuali, per la competenza e per la particolare attenzione al rispetto delle norme correnti".

Rosaria Guarini, Amministratore Unico e Michele Arleo, Responsabile Logistica hanno cosí commentato la vittoria: "La Transar srl, é orgogliosa di aver ricevuto tale riconoscimento, sinonimo di sacrificio e dedizione al lavoro. La nostra vittoria é la vittoria di tutto il Team Transar, con cui abbiamo avuto il piacere di condividerla".

I Le Fonti Awards® sono sia un momento di premiazione ma anche un momento di approfondimento, confronto e dibattito: numerosi sono i momenti televisivi che vedono coinvolti top lawyers e Ceo, pronti ad affrontare temi di attualitá legati a innovazione, tecnologia, leadership ed evoluzione normativa. La visibilitá mediatica dell'evento é garantita da Le Fonti TV, punto di riferimento nel panorama dell'informazione finanziaria, economica e giuridica che vanta una community fidelizzata di oltre 10 milioni di persone in oltre 125 paesi.


Industria Felix Award

TRANSAR SRL received the Industria Felix Award as the best company by Roe percentage index in the province of Potenza and was included among the 100 Italian excellences in the 'special mentions' section.



Pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), in accordance with the principle of transparency, the following information is provided in order to make the Customer / Supplier aware of the characteristics and methods of data processing. .a) Identity and contact details
We inform you that the data will be processed, as Data Controller, by the company TRANSAR S.r.l. (01889270763), based in Sant'Arcangelo (PZ), Piazza Carlo Levi n. 43, e-mail: info@transarsrl.it
b) Purpose of the processing, legal basis and legitimate interest
The processing of personal data requested from the interested party is carried out for the following purposes:
execution of obligations deriving from a contract to which the Supplier / Customer is a party;
fulfill, before the execution of a contract, specific requests of the Supplier / Customer;
administration of suppliers / customers, contracts, orders, arrivals and invoices;
fulfill legal obligations related to civil, fiscal and accounting provisions;
manage any contractual liability disputes.
The legal basis of the processing for the purposes referred to in points 1,2 and 3, is its will to finalize the contract and the processing is necessary for the execution of a contract of which the Supplier / Customer is a party and for the execution of pre-contractual measures adopted at the request of the same (Article 6 n.1 letter B - GDPR).
The processing for the purposes referred to in points 4 and 5 are necessary for the pursuit of the legitimate interest of the Data Controller to comply with the contractual obligations signed between the parties as well as for the need to fulfill legal obligations (Article 6 No. 1 letter . cef -GDPR). Any refusal to provide certain data may make it impossible to execute the contract of which the Supplier / Customer is a party.
c) Recipients and any categories of recipients of personal data
The data are processed by authorized subjects of data processing under the responsibility of the Data Controller for the purposes indicated above, both with manual and IT tools, with organizational and processing logics strictly related to the purposes themselves. The data may also be disclosed to third parties who provide instrumental services such as freight transport companies, legal, tax and commercial consultancy companies, IT technical services, communication and e-mail services, commercial agents.
Furthermore, an updated list of all recipients and any external Data Processors is available at the headquarters of the Data Controller.
e) Data transfer to third country
The Data Controller will not transfer data to a third country or to an international organization.
f) Data retention period
The data are stored in paper and / or electronic form for the period necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected and in compliance with legal obligations. g) Data rights
It should be noted that the interested party, where the conditions are met, can exercise the following rights:
right to access their personal data; the right to obtain the rectification or cancellation of the same or the limitation of the processing concerning him; the right to object to the processing and the right to withdraw consent for the processing purposes that require it, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the withdrawal;
right to data portability (law applicable only to data in electronic format), as regulated by art. 20 of the GDPR.
Regarding the methods of exercising the aforementioned rights, the interested party may submit a specific request by means of a written communication to the email address: info@transarsrl.it
h) Complaint
The interested party is informed that he has the right to lodge a complaint with the national supervisory authority regarding data protection. (www.garanteprivacy.it).
i) Data communications
We inform you that the communication of personal data for the purposes referred to in point b) is a legal or contractual obligation or a necessary requirement for the conclusion of a contract.